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Copy of letter of J. Vlieststra to the Secretariat ISO/TC97/SC5/WG1 about the Netherlands recommendation for the administration of a Numerical Control Reference Language

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Copy of letter of J. Vlieststra to the Secretariat ISO/TC97/SC5/WG1 about the Netherlands recommendation for the administration of a Numerical Control Reference Language

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Copy of letter of J. Vlieststra to the Secretariat ISO/TC97/SC5/WG1 about the Netherlands recommendation for the administration of a Numerical Control Reference Language

Datas de produção

1968-06-13  a  1968-06-13 

Dimensão e suporte

1 fl.



Âmbito e conteúdo

J. Vlieststra sends a letter to the Secretariat ISO/TC97/SC5/WG1 about the Netherlands recommendation for the administration of a Numerical Control Reference Language.J. Vlieststra envia carta ao Secretariado ISO / TC97 / SC5 / WG1, sobre a recomendação dos Países Baixos para a administração de uma linguagem de referência de controle numérico.

Cota atual


Idioma e escrita

ENG (English)

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