"New Process for Keeping provisions perfectly fresh, with all their Original flavour, and nutritious Qualities, for a considerable length of time, and in any climate; ready dressed, and fit for immediate Use."

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"New Process for Keeping provisions perfectly fresh, with all their Original flavour, and nutritious Qualities, for a considerable length of time, and in any climate; ready dressed, and fit for immediate Use."

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"New Process for Keeping provisions perfectly fresh, with all their Original flavour, and nutritious Qualities, for a considerable length of time, and in any climate; ready dressed, and fit for immediate Use."

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"New Process for Keeping provisions perfectly fresh, with all their Original flavour, and nutritious Qualities, for a considerable length of time, and in any climate; ready dressed, and fit for immediate Use."

Datas de produção

1814-12-02  a  1814-12-02 

Dimensão e suporte

4 pp. [3 pp. + 1 p. em branco]; 198 mm x 258 mm

Âmbito e conteúdo

Contém a tradução manuscrita do documento.Anexo da carta de Jácome Ratton datada de 1814.12.06, Londres (Cota original: ACB, CR, 10.5.14).

Cota atual

B-14(5, 14, 1, 2, 1)

Idioma e escrita

ING (Inglês)

Características físicas e requisitos técnicos

Boa conservação [manchas de humidade; vestígios de lacre]