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Phone message of from Hr. v. Zwieteren, foreign affairs, concerning Mr. Turski, Polish national, member of the academy of sciences, mathematician, who has submitted an entry visa for the Netherlands in order to visit a congress

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Phone message of from Hr. v. Zwieteren, foreign affairs, concerning Mr. Turski, Polish national, member of the academy of sciences, mathematician, who has submitted an entry visa for the Netherlands in order to visit a congress

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Phone message of from Hr. v. Zwieteren, foreign affairs, concerning Mr. Turski, Polish national, member of the academy of sciences, mathematician, who has submitted an entry visa for the Netherlands in order to visit a congress

Datas de produção

1967-04-14  a  1967-04-14 

Dimensão e suporte

1 fl.



Âmbito e conteúdo

Phone message of from Hr. v. Zwieteren, foreign affairs, concerning Mr. Turski, Polish national, member of the academy of sciences, mathematician, who has submitted an entry visa for the Netherlands in order to visit a congress. Mensagem de telefone de Hr. v. Zwieteren, Relações Exteriores, sobre o Sr. Turski, nacional polonês, membro da academia de ciências, matemático, que submeteu um visto de entrada para a Holanda, a fim de visitar um congresso.

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Idioma e escrita

DUT (Dutch)

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