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Letter of J. Loeckx to Willem van der Poel about the final intent of constructing a translator by Branquart, Lewi, Sintzoff and Wodon.

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Letter of J. Loeckx to Willem van der Poel about the final intent of constructing a translator by Branquart, Lewi, Sintzoff and Wodon.

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Letter of J. Loeckx to Willem van der Poel about the final intent of constructing a translator by Branquart, Lewi, Sintzoff and Wodon.

Datas de produção

1968-01-24  a  1968-01-24 

Dimensão e suporte

1 fl.


Bruxelas (Bélgica)

Âmbito e conteúdo

J. Loeckx sends a letter to Willem van der Poel about the final intent of constructing a translator by Branquart, Lewi, Sintzoff and Wodon that began for more than six months with the study of the Algol X report. As a result they obtained a certain detailed knowledge of the proposed language and, on occasion, also received a few minor remarks to the authors. Since the next meeting of WG 2.1 will be devoted to a discussion of the Algol 68 report, it might be desirable to invite one of these persons as observers to these meetings. Loeckx propose Mr. Sintzoff, who, at the invitation of Professor van Wijngaarden, will spend the month of February in the Mathematical Center.J. Loeckx envia carta a Willem van der Poel sobre a intenção de Branquart, Lewi, Sintzoff e Wodon, de construir um tradutor que começou há mais de seis meses, com o estudo do relatório Algol X. Como resultado, obtiveram certo conhecimento detalhado do idioma proposto e, em algumas ocasiões, também receberam algumas observações. Como a próxima reunião do WG 2.1 será dedicada à discussão do relatório Algol 68, Loeckx propõe convidar uma dessas pessoas como observadores. Propõe o Sr. Sintzoff, que, a convite do professor van Wijngaarden, passará o mês de fevereiro no Centro de Matemática.

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Idioma e escrita

DUT (Dutch)

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