IFIP/WG 2.1 (Munchen-7b) 100b - minute about the test of the Working Group with the design of a common programming language by Wijngaarden
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IFIP/WG 2.1 (Munchen-7b) 100b - minute about the test of the Working Group with the design of a common programming language by Wijngaarden
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Dimensão e suporte
2 fls.
Âmbito e conteúdo
IFIP/WG 2.1 (Munchen-7b) 100b - minute about the test of the Working Group with the design of a common programming language by Wijngaarden. This report does not imply tat every member of the group, including the authors, agrees with every aspect. Manuscript note of Samelson.IFIP / WG 2.1 (Munique-7b) 100b - Ata sobre o teste do grupo de trabalho com o projeto de uma linguagem de programação comum por Wijngaarden. Este relatório não implica que todos os membros do grupo, incluindo os autores, concordem com todos os aspetos. Nota manuscrita de Samelson.
Cota atual
Idioma e escrita
ENG (English)
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